Original WorkMukatsuku Imouto wa Chanto Shikaranakucha 1-25 Matome | Annoying Little Sister Needs to be Scolded 1-25 100
Original WorkCosplay-bu no Kameko desu ga, Naze ka Jibun ga Cosplay suru Hanashi | How I, the Cosplay Club's Photographer, Ended Up in Cosplay 32
Original WorkHonto no Kanojo 2 -Ore no Kanojo ga Hoka no Otoko ni Dakareteta | The Real Girlfriend 2 -My Girlfriend Is In The Arms Of Another Man- 104
Original Work[Aomizuan (Kirimoto Yuuji)] Erosugiru Doukyonin ~ Dosukebe Shimai to 1K Doukyo Seikatsu ~ | My Roommates Are Way Too Lewd ~Living in a One-Room Apartment With Two Perverted Sisters~ [English] {RedLantern} [Digital] 87