Original WorkLes Inma no Inmon Kairaku Choukyou 2 | A Lesbian Succubus’s Lust Crest Pleasure Training 2 35
Original WorkOre ga Bunretsu shite Isekai de TS suru Hanashi 1 | The Story of How I Split Up and TS In a Different World Ch 1 26
Original WorkAV Nai GAME Zettai ni ○○ Shite wa Ikemasen! | A Risque Game No Matter What happens, You can't OO! 32
Original WorkUwakisyou no Otto ni Seitenkan Kusuri o Nomase Tsuzuketa Kekka | The Results of Making my Adulterous Husband Continuously Drink a Gender-Bending Drug 2 87
Original WorkOre ga Bunretsu shite Isekai de TS suru Hanashi 2 | The Story of How I Split Up and TS In a Different World Ch 2 26
Ranma 1/2Ranma no Mama de ~Enkou Inmon Hen~ | With Ranma's Mom ~The Lewd Mark of Prostitution Arc~ 22
Original WorkRifujin Yuugi ~Net Namahousou de, Hime wo Customize Shite Kansatsu Shiyou~ THE COMIC Zenpen 12