Original WorkA picture that I was late for, even though I wanted to make a story about Halloween that passed 10
gotoubun no hanayomeMiku ga Kisei Jijitsu o Tsukuru Hon | A Book that "Fictitiously" Makes Miku a Pre-Established Fact 11
gotoubun no hanayomeMiku ga Kisei Jijitsu o Tsukuru Hon | A Book that "Fictitiously" Makes Miku a Pre-Established Fact 12
Original WorkHyoui Nouryokusha no Tomodachi to Yarimakuru Hon | A book that can give your friends the power of possession 71
sword art online alternative gun gale onlineChoushin Comp ni Oshiri Ijirareru Hon | Getting Your Ass Bullied by a Girl With a Height Complex: The Book 1 11